AdventureCORPS presents the 2001 Badwater 135 Ultramarathon Webcast
Results & Time Splits | Race Roster | Post-Race Report
Welcome to the 2001 Badwater Ultramarathon Webcast, hosted exclusively here at www.badwater.com, directed by Keith Kostman with assistance from Matt Frederick, and produced by adventureCORPS. Numerous photos were provided by Dave Nelson and Rolo Tomasi. We hope this gives you a little bit of the feeling of participating in this awesome race and challenging this one-of-a-kind race course.
Race Updates
Race Reports from throughout the race |
Pre-Race Meeting and Mug Shots of all Athletes |
Racers and crew chow down in Furnace Creek the night before the big race |
6am Group before the Start |
6am Group Race Start! |
6am group on the road |
Anne Langstaff and 6am racers start out, then Quinn and Afanador arrive at Furnace creek |
8am Pre-Start and Race Start: Getting ready and then off they go! |
8am Race Start! |
8am group on the road |
8am Group from Badwater to Furnace Creek |
10am Pre-Start and Race Start! |
10am Group Hits the Road, First Six Miles, Trevino Leading |
Furnace Creek to Stovepipe: Staff, Smith, Ciabattini, Frixe, Uli Weber, Verdenet, Finkernagel, Elia, Draxler, and crews |
Furnace Creek to Mile 100: Frixe, Weber, Nixon, Denness, Maples, Martin, Merienne, Johnson, Errol Jones, Reg Richard's ambulance stop, Stove Pipe Wells staff, Langstaff, King crew, King, and Afanador |
Townes Pass to Keeler: Vulgarian brothers, bats and scorpions, Mann, Rampacek, Verdenet, Minter, Denness, and Langstaff |
Furnace Creek to Stovepipe: Duobinis, Ochsner, Humphrey, Trevino, Silver, Minter, Rowe, Mann, Stone, Olmo, Nixon, Hendley, and Elia |
Mike Trevino Marches to Lone Pine and up Mt. Whitney to Victory |
Race HQ, Afanador goes through Lone Pine, then Afanador, Benike, Dutz, and King finish line shots |
Men's Race Champion Mike Trevino Crosses the Finish Line |
Finishers: Edwards, Humphries, Kim, and Palocsay |
Women's Race Champion Anne Langstaff Races to the Finish Line |
Finishers: Scott, Henderson, Stone, Meyer, Cantu, Weber, and Frixe |
Finishers: Webb, Silver, Martin, Johnson, Elia, and Rowe |
Finishers: Bishop, Schnyder, Scott Weber, Minter, and Lapanja |
Finishers: Verdenet, Ochsner, Kapiloff, Rampacek, Farar-Griefer, and Richard |
Finishers: Richard, Denness, Mann, and Jones |
Finishers: Ciabattini, Olmo, Moon, Duobinis, Tripp, and Finkernagel |
Finishers: Croxall, Ulrich, and Nawrocki |
The Last Finishers: Hendley, Draxler, Askew, Petersen, Keltner, and the Vulgarian Brothers |
Post-Race Get-Together, Friday Evening |
Post-Race Get-Together, Saturday Morning |
Special Image Gallery starring Langstaff, Mejia, Jones, Afanador, Frixe, Quinn, Verdenet, Minter, Henderson, Edwards, Rampacek, Buck, Trevino, Uli Weber, Maples, Johnson, Schnyder, and others |
Marshall Ulrich and Crew Finish the Badwater Quad for Starving Children |
Slideshows by World Famous Photographer Rolo Tomasi
Rolo Tomasi's biography and interview |
First images: 6am and 8am starts and on the road |
Furnace Creek to Stove Pipe Wells: Palocsay, Scott, Cantu, Edwards, Kammler, Langstaff, and Jones |
Furnace Creek to Stove Pipe Wells: Palocsay, Jones, Denness, future entrant Angela Brunson, Cantu, Kammler, and Langstaff |
Stove Pipe Wells to Panamint: Farar-Griefer, SPW pool, Ulrich, Miller, Afanador, Quinn, MC Hammer and Race Staff |
Keeler to Lone Pine: Dutz and King, then Trevino and crew |
Multimedia- video, audio, and more
6am Start: Listen (mp3 audio, 65k) |
8am Start: Listen (mp3 audio, 50k) |
10am Start: Listen (mp3 audio, 49k) |
Start # 2 Animation (Flash 5, 166k) |
Start # 3 Animation (Flash 5, 238k) |
R. Afanador Interview (Flash 5, 385k) |