AdventureCORPS Presents the 2000 Badwater Ultramarathon

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Sun Precautions 2000 Badwater Ultramarathon Webcast

1600, July 28 Update "Notes from the Field"

Jack Denness from the UK is ever smiling as he climbed Townes Pass. He's looking forward to his favorite "sweet tea" which Kari Marchant was driving all the way to Lone order to bring the hot water!!

Adam Bookspan was looking good early before lunch traveling down Townes Pass grade while making the return trip on the Reverse Double Crossing. He's worried about making the official cut-off of 60 hrs on this return trip, however he seems committed to climb that mountain no matter what his Portal time might show. He's just amazing and very upbeat for being out in the elements since last Sunday.

Rick Nawrocki was looking strong on the Panamint Grade. Always smiling!! He is a moving inspiration.

Chris Moon, ever smiling also, is climbing the Panamint Grade with such heroism. He is way ahead of his last years time. What an inspiration to all of us who pass by and cheer him on!

Lisanne Dorion was smiling and looking very strong as we observed her through the Panamint Valley before noon today.

Errol Jones (AKA The Rocket) was climbing well on the Panamint grade and actually running it and teasing and smiling. He had a bad time during the night.

Scott Weber was climbing well in Panamint Grade and smiling at the incredible training he's put forth this year to make this tenth crossing. Quite incredible.

The Major (Curt Maples) is huffing it up the Panamint Grade. His faithful crew asking at every mile interval "Is this what you need, Sir"? His wife, sitting inside the crew vehicle, wonders why he doesn't put this energy into fixing the house up! Maria DeJesus is doing a great job of trying her best to help the Major in his quest. His crew helped her to the finish last year. She believes she got a bit of food poisioning before the race start on her trip to Furnace Creek on Wednesday, thus necessitating a drop. It's admirable to see runners and crews helping and each other. This race becomes such a joint effort. It's a life changeing experience to be involved in any capacity.

Barbara Elia is looking strong running now after passing through the Darwin checkpoint around 12:30 PM today.

Dixie Madsen is doing well, out in the Darwin Flats.

Lisa Smith and Jay Batchen are running like clockwork and closing in on Lone Pine. Lisa was plagued with diarrhea early in the race, but has come around and is looking strong. What is really touching is seeing Lisa and Jay hold hands intermittently grinning at each other.

-From the Field "Denise Jones"

Slideshow from the Field click here

More Tony Dizinno Pics. Awesome!